Offaly good lamb recipes
I was reminded this week of two favourite offal dishes from my childhood when a neighbour leant me a book called ‘Odd Bits – How to Cook the Rest of the Animal’. The first was my mum’s stuffed lambs hearts with mashed potato – so comforting – and the second was second was sizzling sweetbreads, cooked by one of the Turkish customers at my dad’s old butcher’s shop in north London...
Why eat mutton?
Now there’s a question! Although I’m rather evangelical about mutton I can understand why it might not appeal - my mother-in-law remembers vats of grey, unappetising mutton stew at school and its taken quite a lot of convincing to get her to give it another try. However, if properly hung, mutton is full of the most delicious flavour and can be roasted and served pink...