Old Cow Beef
Typically, in this country, we slaughter our cattle at no later than 22 months. But in parts of Spain – France and Italy too, but to a lesser extent – some cattle are left to mature on the field for up to seventeen years. Imagine. And these old cows (known as rubia gallega or vaca vieja) are considered a real treat - rich, deeply flavoured and speckled with creamy fat.
In 2014, we trialled our very first ‘Old Cow’ and the results were really quite astonishing - after a long hang, it was absolutely delicious: rich, deeply flavoured and speckled with creamy fat. Since then we have supplied our customers with Old Cow Beef from a selected mature Lincoln Red ranging in age from 5 - 12 years. The Yarn Hill Herd is certified under the National 'Pasture for Life' accreditation scheme - the cattle graze for their whole life on the meadows and marshes at Iken, next to the River Alde. After slaughter we leave the carcass to hang for at least 8 weeks.
Since then, our Suffolk Old Cow has gathered a loyal following. Contact us to register your interest or join our Good Meat Club for exclusive early access to purchase Old Cow when its available.
****Our next Old Cow will be available: TBC****